Galaxy wallpaper for chrome laptop
Galaxy wallpaper for chrome laptop

galaxy wallpaper for chrome laptop

Here, look - here's a Chrome OS widget panel I plopped together in a matter of moments just now, with widgets showing my Gmail inbox, a Google Calendar monthly view, a Todoist task list, and a Google Keep notes collection: JR It's a custom Chrome OS productivity dashboard, essentially, and it'll take you all of four minutes to set up. Google may not officially support Android widgets on Chrome OS as of now, but with a little creative tinkering, you can build yourself a custom panel filled with any widgets you want and then make 'em all available from anywhere on your Chromebook system. I'm starting to wonder if my sorcery powers aren't as potent as I've been led to believe.) You can install Android apps on a Chromebook, of course, but widgets? Nope.

galaxy wallpaper for chrome laptop

But despite all my wishing and summoning of magic virtual-genie spirits, Google has yet to grant us the ability to place widgets on a Chromebook's desktop.

Galaxy wallpaper for chrome laptop